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The Empowered platform will create opportunities for persons with disabilities to access employment and service provider contracts in the growing digital economy thus reducing poverty leading to an improved quality of life for them and their families. Subscribe to our platform for the latest updates.


In today’s modern and fast-paced world, where the economy is uncertain, technology is rapidly increasing and there’s practically online everything, it’s easy to forget that there exists people with disabilities. It may be easy to forget that persons with disabilities exist. The biggest issues affecting this frequently unthought of seemingly neglected group; of which I am a part of, is income generation and sustainable employment.

As a matter of fact, people with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed, than people without them. So whether this phenomenon exists due to ignorance on the part of society in general, or lack of resources and training on the part of the person with the disability, the solution to this dilemma has always been just out of reach.

Until now! Introducing, Empowered.
This latest web based initiative, seeks to change the conversation about People with disabilities, and give the nation, the region, and even the world an epiphany to sire all epiphanies. The brainchild of eight highly skilled, highly motivated individuals, Empowered will cause society to witness, and recognize that people with disabilities are a tremendous asset to the professional working public.

At its core, this valuable resource will connect persons with disabilities with potential employers, contractors, or people that simply needs to outsource projects. But it’s so much more.Our platform will have basic tutorials and specialized training for clients who require it, thereby empowering them to learn, train, and advance themselves at their own pace, in the comfort of their own homes.

Graphic design, virtual assistance and audio transcription are some of the many services that our clients will be able to provide remotely, eliminating the gruesome challenges of public transportation for someone who is blind or uses a wheelchair. But the wider professional public will witness how much of an asset, a person with a disability really is with the capacity, mindset, and skill to be a contributing member of society, rather than a socioeconomic black hole.

Buckle your seat belts, you are in the front passenger seat of a great vehicle that will cause who we consider disabled, to be a sought out commodity, filled with leaders, innovators, and skilled professionals.

Together we can shatter boundaries.
Together we will lead the way.
Together we can empower.

Marlon Parieaho CC
VP Education Luminary Leaders Toastmasters Club

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